Ecstatic Dance and Cacao Ceremony
Suggested Intentions
Creative inspiration, honoring self needs and self-care, improve self-love, acceptance and inner healing, trust of self and others, wisdom and guidance, insight and clarity, connection to ancestors.
What is a Cacao Ceremony and Why should I do it?
Cacao is a daily practice with deep historical roots, bringing focus, enlightenment and deepened spiritual healing journey.
Cacao is a creativity partner, spiritual guide, inner work facilitator, and performance enhancer.
Your experience with cacao will be deep and personal.
Processing will last 30 days or longer.
Share with a trusted partner, friend or trained practitioner.
Cacao can also call you to share with others; if so inspired, please talk with Kortnee about purchasing cacao from a reputable source or choosing her online training certification program. Like any plant medicine, there’s a world of misinformation to navigate.
Cacao is a beautiful tool to build and hold sacred space for yourself and others.
It is a beautiful addition to your daily energy practices.
Each ceremony will be different and unique. Set an intention for your time to build relationship with this beautiful and gentle plant medicine.
Allow Mamma Cacao to guide you. Detach from a desired outcome or expectation. Cacao will bring you what you most need in the moment.
Trust her gifts and her medicine.
Through cacao ceremony, your mind will be activated by the active compounds and
energetic properties.
The experience is subtle and somatic allowing you to access your energetic and intuitive body of feeling and sensing.
Cacao invites you to integrate emotions,
become more aligned,
and step into embodied focus.
You may experience physical or emotional release.
This spiritual detox can be powerful as cacao helps you release exactly what is needed to travel deeper within.
You may receive spirit guide messages or simply feel relaxed. Notice your body during your journey as twinges, aches, discomfort, tears, and bliss state are all informative messages.
You may feel a sense of deep relaxation, heart centered openness and a fully grounded state.
Increased heart rate and greater awareness of heart center and heart chakra along with a sustained boost of energy and mental focus without the caffeine crash are just some of the benefits.
​​​Cacao brings a grounded state of euphoria
making everything seem brighter more joyful and easier.
Greater ease of identifying your self-created limiting beliefs and releasing of personal blocks moving beyond emotional limitations.
Deeper enhanced spiritual and creative practice through yoga, dance, writing and music.
Cacao is a mild diuretic similar to tea or coffee but contains only 25% of the caffeine. The active ingredient is theobromine which is recognized as one of the world's greatest superfoods.
Cacao is a super food and is the best-known source for magnesium... (and tastes way better than kale!)
Benefits include:
Boosted immune system functioning,
reduce blood pressure,
reduce stress hormones,
improved mood,
increase focus,
accelerate recovery,
increase energy,
improve sleep,
clear intuition,
increase nature connection,
increase flow of eros/life force,
deepen relationships,
increase happiness.
​​​The science and health benefits of cacao:
*More resources available upon request
Order your own cacao:
Keith's Cacao offers some of the finest cacao known to Mother Earth.
“Mamma cacao is the therapist; your guide will open the door…”
Your friend on the journey,
Kortnee Whitehawk, MS, Ed​​​