Educational Opportunities with Confluence Healing Arts
- Programs offered twice monthly on first and third Thursdays: Aug 6, Aug 20, Sept 3, Sept 17…
- Maximum of 8 registrants per session due to covid-19
- Specific details, expectations, and FAQ will be sent upon completion of registration & payment
- Upon checkout, participants agree to face coverings and social distancing protocols
- Each program lasts 60+ minutes for varying age groups as described below
- No refunds (credits may be issued to due illness)
- Face coverings are to be worn during arrival and program orientation
- Face coverings are to be worn at any time when six-foot social distancing cannot be maintained
- Click on the gray paperclip to complete and print the required child registration form
- If you are unable to print, please arrive early to complete the form
- Click on the big round paperclip below to learn more
-Click on the link above to register for all events described below
Mommy & Me
Thursdays 9:00-10:15am
Torrey Park
$40 per family
Kids Only Nature Time
Thursdays 11:00am-12:30pm
Torrey Park
$40 per child
Adults Only Nature Time
Thursdays 7:00-8:30pm
Cypress Bend Park*
$40 per person
*Mommy, Daddy & Me:
$40 group consists of: One child (ages 4-7) accompanied by one adult caregiver.
*Kids Only:
Ages 8-12 to be dropped off. Registration form and liability waiver are required.
*Adults Only:
Ages 18+ No unaccompanied minors.
You have questions.
We have answers.
Click on the giant paperclip for more info.
If you are interested in Forest Bathing,
but none of the scheduled dates and times fit your needs,
please contact us to discuss other scheduling options. Kortnee@ConfluenceHealingArts.org