Coffee Collaborative
Boost your soul...
Lift your spirits...
Come join The Empowered Women's Collaborative
on the 4th Wednesday of every month for our monthly coffee retreat.
(Dates may vary based on venue availability. Please check our calendar page.)
This FREE event is not your "normal" networking event.
In this connection group you will find a mini-retreat for your soul.
Come ready for something different... and invite a friend!
"This ain't your regular cup of coffee. Think of this as mini-retreat for your soul."
Meet new friends,
get inspired,
and find your very own team.
Each of these gatherings will inspire you and teach you.
Get ready for a wonderful surprise each time.
This isn't your same ol' "go around the circle and introduce yourself elevator speech" type of meeting. If that is your jam,
we ain't knocking it... but this is something new and different.
Come with an open mind and an open heart.