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Ecstatic Dance and Cacao Ceremony

What to expect
  • We will start promptly; please arrive early to settle in and get acquainted and comfortable.

  • You will experience a guided ceremony with a series of invitations and activities designed to support you as you experience cacao.

  • Cacao Ceremony is unique and individualized each and every time. Come free of expectation with an open heart.

  • Bring water and tend to your bodily needs in advance. Please do not come and go during Ceremony.


What to bring and what to wear for Cacao Ceremony:
  • Your physical comfort is of the essence for being able to fully immerse yourself in the experience. You know best what YOUR body needs. Please do self-care in advance to ensure your maximum comfort.

  • Check the ceremony location in advance and adapt your personal needs. i.e. Indoors you may wish a small blanket and pillow. For

  • outdoor forest ceremonies please wear long pants and/or long socks. For beach ceremonies, timing and weather may advise shoulder

  • covering, hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen. For evening ceremonies please bring a light jacket.

  • Small towel or sit-upon if you wish (We will be sitting and even lying on the ground.)

  • Water bottle (Please stay hydrated.)

  • Sunscreen, hat, insect repellent (Please choose an all-natural formula and avoid anything with a strong scent.)

  • Walking Stick or any other physical supports you may need.


What NOT to bring:
  • Cameras Make a photo in your mind’s eye so you can let yourself completely relax into the experience.

  • Phones Need I explain?

  • Wristwatch Let yourself be free for a few hours.

  • Dogs/Pets If you require a service animal, please let me know in advance.

  • Children We offer separate events and activities designed specifically for children.

  • Tobacco Cigarettes, Cigars, Pipes, E-Cigs, Vape are all prohibited.

  • Drugs Wrong time wrong place for drugs, alcohol or any other psychoactive substances.


Pre-Ceremony Self Care:
  • NO caffeine intake for 6 hours prior.

  • NO mind-altering substances the day of ceremony.

  • NO dairy products on the day of ceremony as this can counteract the benefits of cacao.

  • Fasting for 2-3 hours prior to ceremony yields optimal experience, but is not necessary.

  • If you have low blood sugar, please bring yourself a snack.

  • Contraindications & Health Precautions for Cacao:

  • Anti-depressants: Cacao contains MAO inhibitors which can interact with your medication.

  • Heart Conditions: Cacao increases heart rate by up to 30% and lowers blood pressure.

  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: No known contraindications for moms or babies. A smaller serving is suggested.

  • Food Sensitivities: Cacao is a fermented food and can upset sensitive stomachs or trigger migraines.

  • Animals and Pets: Theobromine in cacao is poisonous and can result in death for pets. Leave pets home.

  • Please consider each of these items and request a smaller serving if needed. (Talk with Kortnee in advance)


Post Ceremony Self Care:
  • Cacao stays in your system for 13 days.

  • Hydrate! Break your fast with whole foods that are grounding and nourishing to your mind, body and spirit.

  • If nauseous during or after cacao ceremony, eat a few crackers.

  • Take a long warm bath with salts or other soothing essential oils or herbs.

  • Avoid alcohol, mind-altering drugs, and dairy after ceremony and into the next day.

  • Reflect on your experience through journaling, drawing, and nature connection.

  • Schedule an integration and healing session with Kortnee to enhance your journey forward.


Your safety and well-being:
  • Kortnee Whitehawk, is Wilderness First Aid Certified and will be carrying a First Aid Kit.

  • If you carry an epi-pen, other fast acting medication or have any medical condition (i.e. allergies, seizures, heart condition, blood

  • thinners) you must tell Kortnee BEFORE we begin.

  • All participants are responsible to read the disclosure, informed consent, liability waiver and photo release herein.

  • Your participation in ceremony signifies your full consent.

  • If for any reason or at any time, you choose not to consume cacao, participation in ceremony is beneficial to you in so many ways and

  • we welcome your presence.


Setting an Intention for Ceremony:

You may receive messages on your intention before, during and after ceremony.


Your friend on the journey,

Kortnee Whitehawk, MS, Ed​​​

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