Ecstatic Dance and Cacao Ceremony
What to expect
We will start promptly; please arrive early to settle in and get acquainted and comfortable.
You will experience a guided ceremony with a series of invitations and activities designed to support you as you experience cacao.
Cacao Ceremony is unique and individualized each and every time. Come free of expectation with an open heart.
Bring water and tend to your bodily needs in advance. Please do not come and go during Ceremony.
What to bring and what to wear for Cacao Ceremony:
Your physical comfort is of the essence for being able to fully immerse yourself in the experience. You know best what YOUR body needs. Please do self-care in advance to ensure your maximum comfort.
Check the ceremony location in advance and adapt your personal needs. i.e. Indoors you may wish a small blanket and pillow. For
outdoor forest ceremonies please wear long pants and/or long socks. For beach ceremonies, timing and weather may advise shoulder
covering, hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen. For evening ceremonies please bring a light jacket.
Small towel or sit-upon if you wish (We will be sitting and even lying on the ground.)
Water bottle (Please stay hydrated.)
Sunscreen, hat, insect repellent (Please choose an all-natural formula and avoid anything with a strong scent.)
Walking Stick or any other physical supports you may need.
What NOT to bring:
Cameras Make a photo in your mind’s eye so you can let yourself completely relax into the experience.
Phones Need I explain?
Wristwatch Let yourself be free for a few hours.
Dogs/Pets If you require a service animal, please let me know in advance.
Children We offer separate events and activities designed specifically for children.
Tobacco Cigarettes, Cigars, Pipes, E-Cigs, Vape are all prohibited.
Drugs Wrong time wrong place for drugs, alcohol or any other psychoactive substances.
Pre-Ceremony Self Care:
NO caffeine intake for 6 hours prior.
NO mind-altering substances the day of ceremony.
NO dairy products on the day of ceremony as this can counteract the benefits of cacao.
Fasting for 2-3 hours prior to ceremony yields optimal experience, but is not necessary.
If you have low blood sugar, please bring yourself a snack.
Contraindications & Health Precautions for Cacao:
Anti-depressants: Cacao contains MAO inhibitors which can interact with your medication.
Heart Conditions: Cacao increases heart rate by up to 30% and lowers blood pressure.
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: No known contraindications for moms or babies. A smaller serving is suggested.
Food Sensitivities: Cacao is a fermented food and can upset sensitive stomachs or trigger migraines.
Animals and Pets: Theobromine in cacao is poisonous and can result in death for pets. Leave pets home.
Please consider each of these items and request a smaller serving if needed. (Talk with Kortnee in advance)
Post Ceremony Self Care:
Cacao stays in your system for 13 days.
Hydrate! Break your fast with whole foods that are grounding and nourishing to your mind, body and spirit.
If nauseous during or after cacao ceremony, eat a few crackers.
Take a long warm bath with salts or other soothing essential oils or herbs.
Avoid alcohol, mind-altering drugs, and dairy after ceremony and into the next day.
Reflect on your experience through journaling, drawing, and nature connection.
Schedule an integration and healing session with Kortnee to enhance your journey forward.
Your safety and well-being:
Kortnee Whitehawk, is Wilderness First Aid Certified and will be carrying a First Aid Kit.
If you carry an epi-pen, other fast acting medication or have any medical condition (i.e. allergies, seizures, heart condition, blood
thinners) you must tell Kortnee BEFORE we begin.
All participants are responsible to read the disclosure, informed consent, liability waiver and photo release herein.
Your participation in ceremony signifies your full consent.
If for any reason or at any time, you choose not to consume cacao, participation in ceremony is beneficial to you in so many ways and
we welcome your presence.
Setting an Intention for Ceremony:
You may receive messages on your intention before, during and after ceremony.
Your friend on the journey,
Kortnee Whitehawk, MS, Ed​​​